Thursday, January 8, 2009

Random thoughts in a list. Because I'm lazy. And because dot point posts get mistaken these days for Twitter feed and ignored. :P

  1. I'm not making an NY's resolutions because they never work. But I am hoping that once the Xmas food's gone I'll start making better food choices for myself.
  2. I'm pretty meh about 11.  Then, I'm not a screaming fan of 10, so I'm more willing to give him a go than some people seem to be. 
  3. I wish Barry would make up his mind.  Yesterday he went out and was gone for 8 hours until we started searching the neighbourhood for him.  Today, he kept coming back after 2 minutes to see if I was still here.  Weirdo.
  4. I wish this stupid throat infection/sinus infection/achy thing would leave me be already.  It's been 5 days and I'm all blocked up and wheezy.  Yay.
  5. I enjoyed Xmas and NY so much this year I might even be willing to do it next!
  6. Mum's getting mopey about not having seen us since October when they were here for Kenny Rogers.  I guess I should look to booking flights soon to make her happy.  Not that I mind going, but we have responsibilities now.  (Barry)
  7. I was sad to take down the Xmas tree and the (I want to say bitchen) wreath of sleigh bells we got given for our front door.  Next year, the deccies go up much earlier.  Whee!
  8. I backed into someone in the carpark at work yesterday. :(  Was tempted to just drive off as no-one was around, but in the end my stupid protestant upbringing got the better of me and I left a note.  Couldn't see much if any damage to the victim car, but it's in the eye of the beholder.  Still waiting for the call from then owner... did I get lucky and they agree with me?  Stay tuned.

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