Monday, March 7, 2016


I have started watching Sleepy Hollow (TV series).

I would quite like it, but I'm struggling to get past the main hero's ridiculous name.

Ichabod Crane. What the everloving fuck?

Other than that, life is okay. Hubby is considering taking a job that would have him move to the US for two years. I am not necessarily going to go with. I'm a bit shaky about the whole idea as I am unsure what effect this long-distance thing will have on our marriage. I've already done the long distance thing and it - quite frankly - sucked hairy dog's balls. (do dogs have hair balls? I guess they must, or why the expression?) I'm hoping it will fall through or come with untenable conditions etc. I don't want to be essentially alone in a city where I have no close friends and no family either, with just the cat for company. But moving to the US for me is fraught. I don't think I need to mention here how hard it is for a woman to get a new job once she reaches a "certain age", which I am rapidly approaching. We'll see.