The rain still hasn’t stopped in QLD and it’s positively biblical in some parts. The water is now threatening the state capital, Brisbane. There are 32 suburbs on flood alert.
Check out this news report: cars piling up in central Toowoomba. When I first heard there’d been flash flooding in Toowoomba, I couldn’t work out how it had happened.I’ve been there a few times, the town is at the top of a range on all sides. But there’s a hollow with a stream running through it in the middle of town and that must be where all the water thought it was going as it runs down those streets.
I just got off the phone to my cousin, who lives there and she said that while she’s high up and her family are not under threat, she’s unsure if she’ll be able to get home from work as some of the roads are already flooded. Nobody’s actually working anyway, she says, they are all looking at the news online and worrying about it. Eight are already dead, 71 are missing and it’s just going to get worse.
I’m repeating my appeal for donations to the flood victims. I suspect when this is over, over 5% of Australia’s population will be affected and god only knows what effect it’s going to have on our economy. The main export port for mining in the state is shut down, and I’m sure it won’t be the only exporter unable to get its goods out. Farmers are saying their crops are ruined (mind you, they are almost always complaining about that). My mother is fielding cancellations almost continually as no-one can get there as the main highway is flooded and we already know no-one is visiting from overseas because of the stupid high Aussie dollar. She may lose her business over this and her town is under threat from flooding as well.
I’ve come to tears over it already and no-one I know personally is affected. To say nothing of the animals, domestic and wild.
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