Thursday, April 2, 2009


Both Darren and I have had birthdays recently; he’s 38 and I’m 39.  I think we both felt appropriately fussed over for our big days.  I got some lovely gifts, took the day off and went shopping for clothes (best idea ever – I’m never going to work on my birthday again!), was drunk on sav blanc and champers by 6, and also had a delicious risotto dinner cooked lovingly for me by my hubby.  

His mother was lovely enough to send me a present from England, and while I was thanking her on the phone, she asked about how I felt about the upcoming 40th.  It’s interesting: I don’t feel at all like I did when I turned 30.  Turning 30 was a disaster for me; I was so far off what I considered my life path, it precipitated a slide into depression that lasted a couple of years.  I had seriously expected to be married, promoted and somewhat reluctantly approaching parenthood by that point.  When I got there and none of that had happened, I was devastated.  I also had (rather interestingly) had a strong conviction that I would die before I was 30, so getting there was a shock on that level as well.  So anyway, I made it past 30, I’m so far off what I thought was my life plan that it’s irrelevant now.  So I’m not concerned (yet) about the prospect of turning 40.  We’ll see how I feel 11 months from now!

Anyway, Darren and I went to St Kilda Beach for breakfast on my birthday eve, at my request.  We had breakfast at The Pelican and then a walk past the markets – like we used to when we lived there.  We enjoyed both and the weather was pleasingly mild but sunny.  At about 1130, we were walking back up along the beach outside the Stokehouse, when we came upon these two lovelies who had obviously stumbled out of the nightclub strip and onto the beach, too drunk to go further.


I know it’s callous of me to take photos but we couldn’t resist!  They were already getting burnt in the sun, and no doubt would wake up with cracking headaches, but everyone was gawping and laughing and even the lifeguards wouldn’t go near them.  Bonus photo for the eye makeup:


The good news is that one of them stirred soon after I snapped this with my phone, so hopefully they didn’t spend too much longer there.

1 comment:

Steph said...

haaaaaahaha, so been there! Happy belated birthday too :)